Big Lake Baptist Association
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
United in Him, One for Him! 1 Peter 3:8

2021 annual meeting minutes

2021 Annual meeting

Sept. 27, 2021


The association’s 67th annual meeting was hosted by Buckhead Baptist Church. Due to COVID-19, no meal was served.

47 people were present, representing nine different churches.

Pastor Phil Nason welcomed the members to his church and Moderator Ronnie Lawrence introduced the admin team, mentioning a need for someone to take over pastoral care after the death of John Garner. A vote was taken to seat this team for the 2021/2022 year.

Pastor Jim Womble read 2 Kings 22 and opened the meeting with prayer.

Phil Nason recognized several churches for outstanding achievement in the past year. Brighton received a certificate for highest per capita giving to the association. Big Cypress received a certificate for the largest undesignated contribution to the association. Immokalee First Baptist Church was recognized for highest number of baptisms this year.

Tom Pasquarella presented Rick Giles with a trophy/award to thank him for his years of service and a card with a gift card to Phil Nason for his help while Tom was in ICU.

Pastor Calvin Fryar told the group he would be retiring as pastor of Brighton Baptist but plans to continue his online ministry. Phil Nason will temporarily preach for the church and then EBC will begin filling the pulpit until a new pastor takes the pulpit.

Tom Pasquarella said the association would be working with the SBC and FBC to try to get them back on the right path.

Jim Womble, as missions engagement team leader said he wanted to help the churches with their mission work and planned to visit each church this year.

Pedro Cabrerra, as church planting team leader said he has experience with church planting and had some plans in mind for the coming year.

Cindy Silvey, as pastors' wives care ministry said she wanted to get to know the women and hoped to have meetings when the men meet. She would like to see the wives praying for their husbands.

New pastors in the association were recognized.

Phil Nason presented the proposed budget and explained it was about half the amount as last year because the giving has been lower in recent years, and we want to be fiscally responsible. He explained we had to stop giving to Open Hands Health Center and encouraged the churches to give to the clinic. It was voted on and passed.

Wayne Bryant spoke on behalf of the FBC and said to let them know if there was anything they could do to help.

Shari Hoover spoke on behalf of One More Child and gave statistics on how they have impacted the community this year.

Operation Christmas Child was represented, and they encouraged everyone to participate.

Phil Nason mentioned the seminary extension classes his church will be hosting and invited everyone to a new Baptist Faith and Message class as well.

Dr. Scott Whetstone closed the meeting in prayer.

The semi-annual meeting will be held on April 25 at Moore Haven Baptist Church.

Submitted by Cathy Womble